1.1 Purpose of the Report
1.2 Structure of the
2.1 Background
2.2 Works Programme and
Works Locations
2.3 Construction
2.4 Status of
Environmental Approval Documents
3.1 Cable Installation
Water Quality Monitoring
3.2 Marine Mammal
Observation (MMO)
3.3 Coral Monitoring
3.4 Site Inspection and
5 Environmental
5.1 Summary of
Environmental Non-compliance
5.2 Summary of Environmental
5.3 Summary of
Environmental Summon and successful prosecution
6.1 Key Issues for the
Next Reporting Period
6.2 Monitoring Schedule
for the Next Reporting Period
Table 2.1 Summary
of Landing Point Construction Activities Undertaken during Reporting Period
Table 2.2 Summary
of Current Environmental Licensing, Notification and Permit Status
Table 6.1 Construction
Works to Be Taken For the Next Reporting Period
Annex A Proposed ASE Submarine Cable System
(Layout Plan)
Annex B Location of ASE Landing Point and
Terrestrial Cable Route
Annex C Completed Site Inspection Log
Annex D Photographic Records on Site
NTT Com Asia (NTTCA) proposes to install a
telecommunication cable (Asia Submarine-cable Express (ASE) cable) of
approximately 7,200 km in length, connecting Japan and Singapore with branches
to the Philippines, Hong Kong SAR (HKSAR) and Malaysia. A Project Profile (PP-452/2011) which
includes an assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with
the installation of the submarine telecommunications cable system was prepared
and submitted to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) under section 5.(1)(b) and 5.(11) of the Environmental Impact Assessment
Ordinance (EIAO) for the application for Permission to apply directly for
Environmental Permit (EP). The
Environmental Protection Department, subsequently issued an Environmental Permit
(EP- 433/2011).
is the Twelfth Weekly Site Inspection
Report that presents the findings of the site inspection and other EM&A activities undertaken during the period from 17 December 2012
to 23 December 2012.
Environmental Site Inspection
weekly environmental site inspection was carried out by the representatives of
the Environmental Team (ET).
Environmental performance complied with the environmental requirements
and all necessary mitigation measures were properly implemented.
Environmental Complaints,
Non-compliance & Summons
non-compliance with PP recommendations, EP conditions and other requirements
associated with the construction of the Project was recorded in the reporting
environmental complaint was received in this reporting period.
No environmental summons
was received in this reporting period.
Upcoming Works for the Next
Reporting Period
remaining works at the cable landing point are the dismantlement of the
hoarding fences along the new beach manhole and land duct. Potential environmental impacts arising
from these activities are mainly
associated with dust and waste management.
water quality monitoring will be conducted
should hand jetting works be involved.
ERM-Hong Kong, Limited
(ERM) was appointed by NTT Com Asia (NTTCA) as the Environmental Team to conduct
regular site inspections and audit the implementation of all environmental
monitoring and mitigation measures recommended in the Project Profile (PP) (Register
No. PP – 452/2011) for the Proposed Asia Submarine-cable
Express (ASE) – Tseung Kwan O (the Project).
This is the Twelfth Weekly Site Inspection Report (the
Report), which summarises the inspection findings for the period from 17
December 2012
to 23 December 2012 and the implementation
status of the EM&A recommendations on environmental protection and
pollution control mitigation measures and monitoring.
The structure of the Report
is as follows:
Section 1
: Introduction
Details the scope and structure of the
Section 2 : Project
Summarises background and scope of the Project, site
description, construction programme, the construction works undertaken and the
status of Environmental Permits/Licenses during the reporting period.
Section 3 : Environmental
the monitoring programmes as recommended in the PP and the monitoring undertaken
during the reporting period.
Section 4
: Site Inspection Results
Summarises the findings of the weekly
site inspection undertaken within the reporting period.
Section 5 : Environmental Non-conformance
Summarises any exceedances of
environmental performance standard, environmental complaints and environmental
summons received within the reporting period.
Section 6 : Upcoming
Works for the next Reporting Period
Summarises the impact
forecast and monitoring schedule for the next reporting week.
Section 7 : Conclusions
Com Asia (NTTCA) proposes to install a telecommunication cable (Asia
Submarine-cable Express (ASE) cable) of approximately 7,200 km in length,
connecting Japan and Singapore with branches to the Philippines, Hong Kong SAR
(HKSAR) and Malaysia. NTTCA is
responsible for securing the approval to land the ASE cable in Tseung Kwan O,
Hong Kong SAR (HKSAR). The proposed
landing site will be at a new Beach Manhole (BMH) and ultimately connect with a
Data Centre in Tseung Kwan O (TKO) Industrial Estate which is scheduled for
completion in 2012. From Tseung
Kwan O, the cable will extend eastward approaching the Tathong Channel. Near to Cape Collinson, the cable is
approximately parallel to the Tathong Channel until north of Waglan Island
where the cable travels eastward to the boundary of HKSAR waters where it
enters the South China Sea. The
total length of cable in Hong Kong SAR waters is approximately 33.5 km. A map of the proposed cable route is
presented in Annex A.
Project Profile (PP-452/2011) which includes an assessment of the potential
environmental impacts associated with the installation of the submarine
telecommunications cable system was prepared and submitted to the Environmental
Protection Department (EPD) under section 5.(1)(b) and
5.(11) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO) for the
application for Permission to apply directly for Environmental Permit
(EP). The Environmental Protection
Department, subsequently issued an Environmental Permit (EP-
Under the requirements of Condition
2.4 of the EP, an EM&A programme as set out in the revised Environmental
Monitoring and Audit Manual (EM&A Manual) is required to be
implemented. The EM&A programme
includes water quality monitoring, marine mammal observation, coral monitoring
and weekly site inspection.
The location of the cable
installation works within the boundary of Hong Kong SAR waters is shown in Annex A, while the location of the landing point (ie
new Beach Manhole (BMH) in TKO Industrial Estate) is shown in Annex B.
The construction programme of the Project is given in Figure 2.1.
Figure 2.1 Preliminary
Construction Programme
Cable Installation
from 8 October 2012, the submarine-cable laying works in Zone A, Zone B and
Zone C have been largely finished and the installation barge reached the
boundary of Hong Kong marine waters on 24 October 2012. The protection works at the crossing
point of Drainage Services
Department (DSD) sewage pipe and the submarine cable in Zone A
will be conducted in a later stage.
Point Construction
construction works of the landing point commenced on 4 October 2012 and are
temporarily scheduled to be completed in late December of 2012. Dismantlement of the site hoarding
fences is scheduled to be finished in early February. A summary of the major construction activities undertaken
at the landing point during the reporting period is shown in Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Summary
of Landing Point Construction Activities Undertaken during Reporting Period
Construction Activities Undertaken |
Site reinstatement of the new manholes, and ·
Site reinstatement of the land duct. |
A summary of the relevant
permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for this
Project is presented in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2 Summary
of Current Environmental Licensing, Notification and Permit Status
Permit/ Licences/
Notification |
Reference |
Validity Period |
Remarks |
Permit |
EP-433/2011 |
the construction and operation of the Project |
granted on 20 December 2011 |
Noise Permit |
GW-RE0774-12 |
18 Sep 2012 – 31 Jan 2013 |
granted on using of registered powered mechanical equipment for 07:00-23:00
hrs on general holidays (including Sundays) and 19:00-23:00 hrs on any day
not being a general holiday for Sub-marine cable laying works of the Project |
water quality monitoring was completed by the end of September 2012. Baseline Water Quality Monitoring
Reports for Zone A, Zone B and Zone C were submitted on 19 September 2012, 25
September 2012 and 1 October 2012, respectively.
impact water quality monitoring was not conducted in the reporting period as no
jetting works of any types in Zone A, Zone B or Zone C were involved from 17
December 2012 to 23 December 2012.
marine mammal exclusion zone monitoring is required to be conducted during the
cable installation works taking place in daylight hours along the sections
outside Zone A to Zone B (ie Zone C and from C to the boundary of HKSAR
waters). This monitoring was not
carried out in the reporting period as the cable installation works in Zone C
and from C to the boundary of HKSAR waters were completed on 24 October 2012.
coral monitoring was completed in September 2012. The Baseline Coral Monitoring Survey
Report was submitted on 28 September 2012.
Post-project coral monitoring will be conducted within one month after
completion of the jetting works, with the Post-project Coral Monitoring Survey
Report to be submitted within one month after completion of the marine
works. Impact monitoring for coral
during cable installation works is not required under the Project.
the week of 8 October 2012 when the cable installation barge passed the
identified coral communities as presented in the Baseline Coral Monitoring Survey Report, the nearest distances
between the barge and the identified coral communities in Zone A and Zone B
were 230m and 270m respectively, indicating the cable alignment of more than 180m
away from the identified coral communities as required in the Environmental
Permit (EP- 433/2011).
accordance with the revised EM&A Manual, a weekly site inspection should be
undertaken at the landing point (ie new Beach Manhole (BMH) in TKO Industrial
Estate) to ensure that the appropriate environmental protection and pollution
control mitigation measures are properly implemented in accordance with the
Project Profile (PP-452/2011). Results
of the site inspection in the reporting period are provided in Section 4.
The weekly site inspection is
required to be carried out by the representatives of the Contractor and the
Environmental Team (ET). A Site
Inspection Log is completed by the ET representative to record
whether the Contractor is compliant with environmental regulations in terms of
noise, water quality and housekeeping etc (Annex C).
During the reporting
period, the site inspection was conducted on 21
December 2012. Construction works for both the new beach manhole and land duct at the cable landing point have been
largely completed, with only the boundary fences of the construction site to be
removed soon. Areas within and in
vicinity of the construction site have been reinstated to their original status
(Annex D Photos Nos. 1 - 4), There was no non-compliance recorded
during the site audit.
non-compliance of PP/ EM&A/ EP/ legislative requirements was recorded
during the reporting period.
complaint was received during the reporting
summons was received during the reporting period.
Works to be taken for
the next reporting period are summarised in Table 6.1.
6.1 Construction
Works to Be Taken For
the Next Reporting Period
Work to be taken |
Removal of the
boundary fences surrounding the construction site. |
Potential environmental impacts arising from the above
activities are mainly associated with dust and waste management.
Impact water quality
monitoring would be conducted should any works involving hand jetting be carried out in next reporting week. The results (if any) will be summarised
in the Fourth Weekly Water
Quality Impact Monitoring Report after the relevant monitoring data become available.
Next weekly site inspection
will be conducted in the week when hoarding fences are removed from the new
beach manhole and the land duct.
This Twelfth Weekly Site Inspection Report presents the findings of the
site inspection and other EM&A activities
undertaken during the period from 17 December to 23
December 2012,
in accordance with the PP (Register No. PP – 452/2011), revised
EM&A Manual and the requirements of Environmental Permit (EP- 433/2011).
impact water quality monitoring was carried out in the reporting week and
neither was the daily marine mammal exclusion zone monitoring, as no jetting
works of any types were carried out in the reporting week.
weekly environmental site inspection was conducted on 21
December 2012 during the reporting period.
It confirmed that the environmental mitigation measures recommended in
the PP were properly implemented by the Contractor.
non-compliance event was recorded during the reporting period.
No complaint and
summons/prosecution was received during the reporting period.
The ET will keep track on
the construction works to confirm compliance of environmental requirements and
the proper implementation of all necessary mitigation measures.